12 Most Healthy Habits that will definitely change your life

Every day, each morning is a fresh start, a new day for the rest of your life! Whatever you did yesterday, set it aside. Forget the past and focus on your day today. It’s the only moment you actually have, today.

  1.  Move your body

When you move your bodies, the endorphins are released from your brain and tell your brain that all is well. Even if it’s just getting up from your chair, dancing around when doing the housework or taking up a regular exercise routine, these actions can increase the feel-good chemicals and elevate your mood.

  1. Detox digitally

The digital world, as much as it enhances our lives, can take away our present moments and allows us to miss what’s really going on around us. The comparison game can cause you to feel deflated and like failures if we’re not living how others are currently living. The digital detoxing will give you that sense of freedom of time to do other things that will boost your mental health.

  1. Do things by yourself

Low self-esteem can cause people to believe that they can’t do things by themselves. Going off and doing things by yourself builds confidence and a sense of freedom. 

Don’t be afraid to be alone and make time for yourself; it’s a wonderful way to really reflect on yourself and have a breather away from others.

  1. Write things down

Writing down goals and dreams can bring about a positive boost and making lists of past achievements can help show you successes in your life. Our brain processes what’s being written down more slowly and so it becomes a kind of therapy. It can help you process emotions and identify difficult areas or limiting beliefs that continuous overthinking makes worse. 

  1. Express gratitude

Gratitude has been found to increase happiness and reduce stress creating a more positive mindset. People often get caught up on what didn’t go well in their day even if the majority of what happened was positive. A good habit to start is to think through your day and note everything that was great.

  1. Re-evaluate toxic relationships

You are the sum total of the five people you’re around the most. Ask yourself are these five people supportive, kind and fun to be around? If not, it may be time to rethink your relationships.

  1. Change your routine

Making just small changes in your routine can trick the brain into thinking you’re doing something completely different. Changing things up creates variety and opens you up to different experiences and opportunities.

  1. Spend a day being mindful

Examine how you move through your day. Don’t judge yourself but just be in each moment. Bringing your mind to the present moment can help reduce depression in the process.

  1. Smile (even if it’s fake)

Research has found even fake smiling tricks the brain into thinking we’re happy. So even if you’re in a quiet room by yourself, smile and you’ll notice over time, it creates a sense of mental wellbeing.

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